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M00se Droppings 09

 _      /\      _                                              _      /\      _
/ \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \  M     M   0000    0000    SSSSS  EEEEEEE  / \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \
\_____/ () \_____/  MM   MM  0  //0  0  //0  S       E        \_____/ () \_____/
     /      \       M M M M  0 // 0  0 // 0   SSSS   EEEEE         /      \
    /  \__/  \      M  M  M  0//  0  0//  0       S  E            /  \__/  \
   /__________\     M     M   0000    0000   SSSSS   EEEEEEE     /__________\
       D   D  R   R  O    O  P    P  P    P    I    NN  N  G       S
       D   D  RRRR   O    O  PPPPP   PPPPP     I    N N N  G  GGG   SSSS
       D   D  R  R   O    O  P       P         I    N  NN  G    G       S
       DDDD   R   R   OOOO   P       P       IIIII  N   N   GGGG   SSSSS
                                M00SE ILLUMINATI
 Issue #9 |  Disclaimer:  The Editor will place almost anything  | Aug. 26, 1988
 ----------  in this newsletter out of a frantic desire to fill  ---------------
 the issue, so don't  blame him for the  quality or  content of the submissions.
 Excepting those  he may have written  himself, the enclosed items do not in any
 way represent the Editor's opinions.  In fact, let's be real safe, and say that
 as far as this newsletter is concerned, he has no opinions at all.  Okay? Good.
  ************************** EDITORIALS AND LETTERS ***************************
     Fellow m00ses, the time has come to choose which candidates to support
for the oncoming election.  We must choose somebody who will uphold the
values of m00sedom, who will promote the cause of confusion, who is easy
for us to manipulate.  Let us consider the choices, and discuss this topic
further on CSBB.M00se.
     So far as I have been able to determine, our choices are as follows:
        George Bush:  "I will never apologize for America.  I don't care
                       what the facts are."
        Micheal Dukakis:  Does anybody have any idea what Dukakis has been
        Bill the Cat:  America's ill, but so is Bill.
        Zippy the Pinhead:  Wears a clown suit, has a talent for evading
                            topics by going off on obscure tangents.  Both
                            good qualifications for the presidency.
        Spuds MacKenzie:  Small animal, not as active or as interesting
                          to look at as the Clydesdales were.  Much like
                          Bush and Dukakis in this respect.  Named after
                          a potato.  Bush and Dukakis both resemble potatoes.
        Some guy on MTV:  The Bavarian Illuminati calls MTV 'Empty Vee'.
                          They may be right on this point.
     If I've left anyone out, let us know on CSBB.M00se.  Let the presidential
race begin!
******************************* EVENTS AND NEWS *******************************
     Nothing new, once again.  However, we have found the m00se who created
confusion with his unofficial subtitle of Camp Relay II.  The one I thought
was official, remember?
>I was the one with the term Camp Relay II: The Quest for M00se. It was not
>meant to be an official usage..just a joke that I don't even remember when I
>used it. Sorry for all impending confusion.
>       Beez
***************************** FICTION AND POETRY ******************************
     Once again, none here.  I'm considering ripping off Wolverine's idea
and writing a serial based on the members of the M00se Illuminati, but the
problem of having 60 plus characters discourages me....
*************************** MISCELLANEOUS NONSENSE ****************************
There is PLENTY of nonsense this issue!  Our first bit is from Mommydammit,
who writes:
>        on the way way to Lake Winola in Pennsylvania, i noticed something
>very suspicious. within two miles of each other are interesting exit names...
>such as:
>        thr00p ( a combination of thr0ng and bl00op!)
>        Dickson City
>        m00sic
>honest and for true.  you decide.  is it coincedence or....m00sidence?
>                                                pamela/mommydammit
This issue also marks the first installment in Rich Simon's Philosophy Corner.
Here it is.
        Is nothing anything?  Is nothing something?
        Frightening, isn't it. . . to think that
        maybe, just POSSIBLY nothing is. . .
                        JUST NOTHING.
        No more, no less than absolute nil.  Nada.
                        Zilch.  Zero.
        Does that frighten you, to thing that there
        might be no more to nothing than simple nothing?
        It's just something to think about.
        Or just nothing to think about at all.
        Remember: If nothing is anything,
                 and anything is everything,
        then it stands to reason that
        nothing is everything.  Therefore you
        should worship nothing, for it is
                                        Cut it if you wish, Bill.
                                But for god's sake don't believe it.
Beez wrote with lots of nonsensical tidbits.  Among them:
>I located a T-Shirt that had Bullwinkle surfing saying Moose on the Loose.  If
>you are interested, just write me....
>Beez is starting the Suave Ladies Man in quite dry clothing Association. It is
>an Anti-Manly Men in Wet Clothing movement. We really have nothing against
>Manly Men, except that we don't like getting wet. PsuedoSensitive Men need not
>apply.  Write to Beez (rsrab@suvm) for your free subscription.
>(This article was not included in a report by the Daily Orange, the Syracuse
>University newspaper which can't even be considered yellow journalism. This
>copy was obtained thru bribery, torture and sleeping with the Chancellor's
>wife.  All characters in this story are meant to be coincidental as blatant
>sarcasm is intended.)
>oops...i will submit the story later..I just got a call that university
>security wants to talk to me..looks like Alcatraz for the Beez..
>ill write to you later...bye guy
Incidentally, I haven't heard from Beez since this letter.  Does anybody
feel we should prepare for a rescue mission to free him from the clutches
of Security?
Beez also included two new additions to the M00se Illuminati Dictionary,
begun by Indiana Joe in the last issue.
  phrase: M00se on the L00se: When a M00se visits a distant thr0ng for party
  Phrase: Meese on the Loose: a 80's happening that lead to the destruction of
                              western Civilization as we know it. No M00ses had
                              any part of this madness.
Wolverine sent me the following song, which may have relevance in the decision
of who we should back in this election.
>The following lyrics are to a song written by two radio disk jockeys out in
>Indianapolis, poking fun at Senator Dan Quayle....
                        I Spent The War In Indiana
                        - ----- --- --- -- -------
                        I spent the war in Indiana
                        Getting shot was not for me
                        I never went to 'Nam
                        I never saw Saigon
                        I only watched it on TV
                        I spent the war in Indiana
                        I never saw a combat zone
                        While my buddies hid in foxholes dodging napalm
                        I was safe inside my Indiana home
                        He spent the war in Indiana
                        while his neighbors went to fight
                        He never did a hitch
                        'cause his daddy's rich
                        He was comfy and cozy at night
                        I spent the war in Indiana
                        To the Guard, I was on loan
                        And the only thing I killed were Hoosier weekends
                        I was safe inside my Indiana home
                        He spent the war in Indiana
                        in a summer camp platoon
                        He never had to fight
                        and how he's on the right
                        and he's singing a different tune
>Well, *I* think it's funny.....
>And to quote The Breather from the movie "Student Bodies":
>"What's in a name? EVERYTHING!"
*************** AND, OF COURSE, THE UBIQUITOUS M00SE LIST UPDATE **************
Please add:                     ENLL6AC      @ BUACCA     Sabre
Please remove:                  BURNS        @ MAINE      Sabre
                                CHOBBIE      @ SBCCVM     Admiral Lord Nelson

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