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M00se Droppings 22

  _      /\      _                                            _      /\      _
 / \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \ M     M   0000    0000    SSSSS  EEEEEEE / \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \
 \_____/ () \_____/ MM   MM  0  //0  0  //0  S       E       \_____/ () \_____/
      /      \      M M M M  0 // 0  0 // 0   SSSS   EEEEE        /      \
     /  \__/  \     M  M  M  0//  0  0//  0       S  E           /  \__/  \
    /__________\    M     M   0000    0000   SSSSS   EEEEEEE    /__________\
       D   D  R   R  O    O  P    P  P    P    I    NN  N  G       S
       D   D  RRRR   O    O  PPPPP   PPPPP     I    N N N  G  GGG   SSSS
       D   D  R  R   O    O  P       P         I    N  NN  G    G       S
       DDDD   R   R   OOOO   P       P       IIIII  N   N   GGGG   SSSSS
                                M00SE ILLUMINATI
Issue #22|  Disclaimer:  The Editors will place almost anything  |  Mar. 2, 1988
----------  in this newsletter  out of a frantic desire to fill  ---------------
the issue, so don't  blame them for the quality or  content  of the submissions.
Excepting those they  may have written themselves,  the enclosed items do not in
any way represent the Editors' opinions.   In fact,  let's be real safe, and say
that as far as this newsletter is concerned,  they have no opinions at all.  OK?
                                  The Index
      EDITORIALS AND LETTERS    An Editorial.
      EVENTS AND NEWS           Various & sundry items of [dis]interest
      FICTION AND POETRY        Romance, Quantum Cat's ID, The Lemon
      M00SCELLANEOUS NONSENSE   Love is Hell
      ASK THE ORACLE            More Answers to Life, the Universe, & Spam
      MEET THE M00SES           Alacrity, SalmonM00se
      M00SE LIST UPDATE         The complete list...
**************************** EDITORIALS AND LETTERS ****************************
                       "Nice computers don't go down!"
Greetings All & Bl00p to Ya!
   Well another (how many?) rotations of the Earth, and M00se Droppings
did not get out as planned.  :(  The reason for this, to be honest, is lack
of submissions.  We need lots of submissions to have this on-going madness
continue... So please, send send SEND submissions...(droool, wimper, beg..)
   Enough of that.  Our very first issue came out and we were quite pleased
with it.  We hope you were all as pleased. :*)  We included page headers for
those who like to print MD out, but due to incompatibilities amongst host
machines, this didn't work out as planned.  Oh well... we tried.
   About the Mega-Thr0ng-A-Th0n, we still would like input:  suggestions,
scribblings, mad ravings, whatever...  The idea still sounds like a good
one to us (Pickle, SalmonM00se and Goblin).  We will try and help things along
by making suggestions or guest appearances (hint hint...*grin*).
   We've still included an index, but without page numbers it'll be a little
harder to find things.  (Hmmm, we could always do it by line number...)   8)
                                            Goblin & SalmonM00se

Just A short note: Please, PLEASE include your name/nick with Submissions.
We WANT to give you credit for yer submissions!
******************************* EVENTS AND NEWS ********************************
According to our sources, *nothing* officially happened recently. The well-
known (or not-so-well-known) publication, _The_National_Enquirer_, is really
subsidized by Reaganomics.
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According to the #@%^! woodchuck, the USA will be having a longer winter than
Canada... (A Bavarian plot?)
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Anyone owning a Macintosh:  Have you seen the "Talking M00se" Desk Accessory?
It is VERY am00sing.  If you're inactive for a specified time, the M00se
will pop up and say something irreverent to you.  It is also possible to
add phrases (such as Bl00p) to its vocabulary.  For info, ask LEE_JES@CTSTATEU.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
According to our sources, the Mega-Thr0ng-A-Thon will occur at the next
planetary conjunction.  M00ses wishing otherwise should elect a MTaT
co-ordinator in their area.  The co-ordinators will then be able to discuss
the MT-a-T with each other.  Other suggestions are welcome as well.
***************************** FICTION AND POETRY *******************************
Spaceman Biff ....
Yo, hey, hey!
        Thanks for all the help rendered on the subject of mollusks and,
in particular, scallops (oooh). I now feel much more secure in accepting
them as valid critters in their own right, but I'm not sure I'd want one
to marry my daughter. If I had a daughter, that is. Anyway, that's not
what I'm writing about tonight. I'd like to address a matter closer to
the heart of much of the human population.
        Several years ago a friend of mine and I were discussing what it
is that causes some men to be attracted to certain women, while others
were not, and we worked out some of the mechanics thereof. While the
treatment may seem involved, there are actually several easily
understood fundamentals that m00ses might find of interest.
      Basically, despite outward appearances, men are discrete when it
comes to romantic attractions. It is only on the macroscopic level that
they appear indiscrete.
        To treat the problem correctly, it is instructive to consider each
man an operator. Then it follows that each of these operators has a set of
women, his eigenwomen, if you will, upon which the operator operates, returning
the same woman, times a constant. Note that men must be hermitian, as these
constants are never complex.
        Then, it may be said that every woman to which this operator is
attracted may be represented as a linear combination of his eigenwomen.
"Smoothness" is that quality of having a basis set of eigenwomen that
spans all possible women (the dimension of which set may possibly be
infinite), or to put it more succinctly, such a man is a "smooth
operator." That some peanut butter appeals to all humans serves as an
example; everyone likes smooth peanut butter, but only some people like
chunky. (What are those chunks made out of, anyway?)
        Other quantized values, for example, charm, beauty, and
strangeness, have but minor importance, but then, we all have our little
        I hope that I have shed some light on a topic which causes no
end of confusion to the human populace. I recognize that I will most
probably get a good deal of heat for having couched this entirely from a
makAle standpoint, and in my own defense I should like to say that an
analogous system exists for women and their respective, if not
respectable, eigenmen. However, despite concerted efforts to discover
the nature thereof, I have failed to discern the logic of this
sister system. Perhaps other m00ses might take up here, where I
must leave off.
                                        --Spaceman Biff!!!!!!!!
 -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Here's the latest from QuantumCat the Quintessential (Bl00p!) :
(We liked the ID so much we decided to print it all..)
               ------====== Quantum Cat ID V2.0.1 ======------
Of candle, book, the bell that rings,
Of time and tide and other things
The Teacher and Creator sings
In darkest night of Earth's new age
Call Him forth to show the way
Through woods where traps the shadows lay
And lead us safely into day
And through the gate to Earth's new age...
I'm a cat of many names
Quantum, Quoter and others
The cheshire dares to call me mad
Of course he knows his brothers...
                             Give me but a moment
                             ... yes, one or two, should do
                             Shall I tell the secret of my trade?
                             ... you really want me to?
                             Maybe but a little hint---
                             Acrostics CAN be fun
                             Can YOU appreciate the joke?
                             How could anyone?
Music is a wond'rous thing, J.S.Bach to some is God
        and I could quite agree
But Gil and Sully take their fling, Mock the first, forget the last...
        whatever's left is me
/\  /\
\ \/ /          Now take the cross of Andrew
 \  /           It's the cross of Patrick too
 /  \           Add a Thompson to the list
/ /\ \          And there you have me too!
\/  \/
Saluki they call my school's mascot
In all the world, this place I chose
Under the rule of Illinose...
          Can Avon Ride Beside Orac? No? Did Abraham Leave Eliza?
                    I'LL Inspire No Ominous Irish Song
                       But...     APT to some IS This
                     Still....    The Urgency Does Entail No Time
                  Consider..      Every New Tenement Entered Remembers
What happened on the Nile..                            0 +
    Where Livingston would be found                      -
         Who months had been a-seeking                   -
            When Stanley came around?                  R -
                How did they finally meet?             M +
                   Why did I even write it?              -
            Should this verse be fed to the sharks?      +
    'tis not clever, but I'll not spite it.            7 +
Ah, poetry gives the mind repose
    or feeds the flames of base desire
        Makes us fear the lovely rose
            and love the fearful raging fire
            Yes, poetry will be forever
        Though poets all must pass away
    Yet once the pageant of life has ended
The poems remain and recall today
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
(Submitted by R0b0p0pe ??)
The Lemon.  A soliloquy delivered in the produce section
O Lemon!
You round
(well maybe not round but kinda funny-shaped)
tell me in your simplicity
about life.
O Lemon!
Surely you know about life
about love
about happiness
You sit on the astroturf stuff in the fruit bin
and look wise.
O Lemon!
Surely if I pick you up
and hold you
I can feel wisdom in your funny bumps
and if I hold you
under my nose
I can smell your knowledge
or if I hold you
next to my ear
I can hear the sounds
of the fruit grove
that was once your home.
O Lemon!
Why do you not answer me?
Perhaps if I taste you
I can gather your understanding through absorption.
O Lemon!
*************************** M00SCELLANEOUS NONSENSE ****************************
This Submission is from Pickle :)
Excerpts from Matt Groening's book _Love_Is_Hell_.  The book is a collection of
his cartoons, called "Life In Hell".  Highly recommended, especially if you can
get the boxed set, "Box Full Of Hell".
"Love is a slippery eel that bites like hell."  -- Bertrand Russell
"Love is a perky elf dancing a merry jig and then suddenly he turns on you with
a miniature machine-gun."  -- Kierkegaard
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips and
pins you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."  -- Nietzsche
Watch out for these early warning signs of love:
        1) Bouncy step
        2) Goo-goo eyes
        3) Babbling
        4) Bored friends
Avoid sharing affection with people wearing desperate t-shirts.
        "Will you be my friend?"
Forbidden conversation topics in bed:
        1) Local elections
        2) Septic tanks
        3) Chores
        4) Your partner's shortcomings ("Did anyone ever tell you you grunt
                amusingly when you make love?")
When getting undressed with a new friend for the first time, do not try to
break the tension by gesticulating wildly and making comical throat noises.
        "Geeba geeba geeba."
Warning signs your lover is getting bored:
        1) Passionless kisses
        2) Frequent sighing
        3) Moved; left no forwarding address
Advantages of heartbreak:
        1) More room in bed
        2) Time slows to a crawl
        3) Opportunity to get in touch with your weeping
When in doubt about how to proceed in love, heed the advice of your closest
        "Don't let yer meatloaf!"
Be considerate.  After mesmerizing your friends for hours with details of your
love miseries, be sure to feign interest when they start babbling about their
insignificant problems.
        "So I go, 'Oh yeah?' and she goes 'Yeah!!'  So I go--"
If you're going to argue with your partner at a restaurant, make it a cheap
one, because you won't be tasting your food anyhow.
        "How's your duck l'orange, stupid?"
        "Shut up and eat yer truffles."
Do not make jocular marriage proposals if you don't want to get clobbered.
        "Will you mar--"
        "Oh, yes!"
        "--inate this steak for me?"
When hanging up angrily on a lover, watch those fingers!
        "Go to hell!!" SLAM! "OW!!!"
Do not write and publish any books while in the midst of complete and utter
        _They're_ALL_Sons_Of_Bitches_ (vol. I)
Do not take love advice from cynical, embittered, sarcastic cartoon strips.
        "Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
******************************* ASK THE ORACLE *********************************
Here, from Hal Eisen, is more "Ask the Oracle"...
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
What does the Oracle do after it gets off from work?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
What any other good oracle does...chill out...have a beer or 3...
play tv...see his gal... ;-)
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
If deer are camouflaged by being brown, why aren't cows camouflaged by
being green?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
It is obvious that the cows' camouflage has worked exceedingly well.
In fact, it has worked so well that nobody has ever seen a green cow
around, as they are too well hidden.  By comparison, the brown
with white splotches which deer refer to as their 'camouflage' is nothing.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Hey Oracle - -
What do signs that say  "Proper Identification Required" mean?
Is there such thing as "Improper Identification?"
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
Such signs mean different things in different countries:
In Britain: You will be escorted out of the area if found within.
In the U.S: You will be escorted out in handcuffs.
In Germany: You will be put in jail for a month.
In Italy:   You will be put in jail for a year.
In Russia:  You will be sent to Siberia for five years.
In Turkey:  You will be shot by a guard.
In Bulgaria: You will be tortured on the spot for five days, then
                shot in the head at close range.
Improper identification is such an item as a driver's license, say, when
a Cosmic Top Security Nato Clearance Pass is required.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
How did humankind ever get along without computers?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
This is a very brilliant question, on the scale of questions to the
Oracle.  The answer is: paper.  There was a strange and arcane art, now
lost to mankind, but once known as "writing," which allowed humans to
record data and even perform simple calculations on a sheet of "paper."
Paper was a very thin, white substance, the art of whose making has also
been lost to mankind, but which was created, by a secret but subsidized
process, from old-growth rainforest from the Tongass National Park.
Perhaps the reason this substance fell into disuse was that there is now
no plant life taller than six feet existing on Earth today.  Paper was,
of course, in the Oracle's unbiased opinion, a far worse medium than
silicon, but was far superior for wiping the rear end.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Are there really people who just won't ever be rational?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows: fact, you can count them.
there are exactly pi of them.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Explain the American electoral process, using only vocabulary and phrasing
which the average American would understand.
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
screw the middle class...
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
What would the world be like if 12 wasn't a prime number?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
The world would be vastly changed for the worse.  Individual countries
would be in about the same place, but many things would be changed:
        - There would be a new nation, about where the junction between
          Spain, Italy, and Germany is now, called "France".  It would
          be populated by the most obnoxious people in history.
        - The country "Russia" would be governed by a weird and bizarre system
          known as "Communism".  Despite having failed economically for 60
          years, their leaders would be trying to spread "Communism", most
          often by invading their neighbors.
        - There would be many so called "religions", spread about the world.
          They would involve the idea that, rather than being dead for good,
          a person goes someplace after death.  Why anyone would think that
          is a mystery to the Oracle.
        - The almost unknown (in the present world) bug called the "mosquito"
          would have an appendage solely for the drinking of blood from animals
          while still living.  It would spread horrible diseases by this
These are just a few examples.  No one would want to live in a world
where 12 was not prime; in fact, there would be many suicides.
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
How long can you tread water?
The Oracle has answered your question as follows:
WEll, let me put it this way.
say an evil scientist captured me and brought me to his
evil laboratory and strapped me into an
evil machine that went
and whose sole evil purpose was to evilly create and
an exact copy of myself whose very essence and being
down to the last atom was identical to me in every way.
I would be able to tread water as long as he could.
****************************** MEET THE M00SES *********************************

The short form..
               The Official M00se Illuminati Identification Form
      Chapter Name: ____________________________________________________
       Nickname(s): ____________________________________________________
         Life Form: ____________________________________________________
               Sex:  Male ___  Female ___  Hermaphrodite ___  Other ___
       Net Address: ________@________          Purity Quotient: _______%
       Description: ____________________________________________________
  Favourite Saying: ____________________________________________________
      Other Stuff: ____________________________________________________
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Here in Our latest meet the m00ses is Alacrity's ID...
               The Official M00se Illuminati Identification Form
      Chapter Name: John P. Bankert_____________________________________
       Nickname(s): CHAOS Engineer, Alacrity, Expletive Deleted_________
         Life Form: Intelligent potted palm_____________________________
               Sex:  Male ___  Female ___  Hermaphrodite ___  Other XXX
       Net Address: jbankert@sunrise_
       Description: about 5.5 feet tall, kinda tree trunkish except for_
                    these leaves on top_________________________________
  Favourite Saying: If it works, fix it, if it doesn't, don't___________
       Other Stuff: I enjoy being watered about once a week and am______
                    seeking an attractive fern for a meaningful_________
                    relationship with possible long term commitment_____
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Since Goblin thought my original introduction to this part wasn't right,
here's her introduction:
The ID file of one of the well.. well lamebrained editors of this here magazine:
               The Official M00se Illuminati Identification Form
      Chapter Name: Jeff Lee
       Nickname(s): Godfrey de Shipbrook, SalmonM00se, Nodefinger
         Life Form: Random, though usually humanoid
               Sex:  Male XXX  Female      Hermaphrodite      Other
       Net Address: LEE_JES @CTSTATEU          Purity Quotient: 48.8%
       Description: Usually about 5'8", blond, hazel eyes (3), 120#.
                    Usually wears black.
  Favourite Saying: Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are
                    subtle and will piss on your computer.
       Other Stuff: Heavily involved in the SCA, computers, music.  Also
                    involved in art (drawing), writing, and other stuff...
                    SCA activities: Fighting, fencing, archery, heraldry,
                    mead brewing, calligraphy/illumination, crossbow,
                    music (singer/lutenist), armouring (mostly chainmail),
                    garbmaking, cooking...
*************** AND, OF COURSE, THE UBIQUITOUS M00SE LIST UPDATE ***************
This week, for all those of you who have lost, deleted, folded, bended,
spindled, or mutilated your old copy of the M00se List:  A fresh new one!
Notes about the New List:  Wolverine is now known as Lord Trelf, and both
he and Lord Sabre now have new net addresses.
THRONG/CHAPTER                  USERID         NODE       NAME
Alaska thr0ng                   FSDEM2       @ ALASKA     Mugwump
                                FSJBK        @ ALASKA     G00se
                                JSJPC1       @ ALASKA     Jonathan
                                RECS012      @ ALASKA     Josh VanDyke
Binghamton thr0ng               FR0130       @ BINGVMA    Pig Dung
                                FR0250       @ BINGVMA    Red Rock Mud Puddle
Boston University thr0ng        CLXLAUC      @ BUACCA     Rorshach
                                ENLDC8C      @ BUACCA     Paladin
                                LAN          @ BUCSF.BU.EDU
                                                          Larry Nathanson
Brockport thr0ng                DS1437       @ BROCK1P    Don Schleede
                                ERIK         @ BROCK1P    E-Rock
                                MW2440       @ BROCK1P    Mark Weiland
Bucknell University chapter     SHAFFERJ     @ BKNLVMS    James Shaffer
Buffalo thr0ng                  V054NN84     @ UBVMSA     Foto/PacifistM00se
                                V123P62M     @ UBVMSC     Lorelei
                                V047KFZ7     @ UBVMSD     Roachm00se
                                V056GZPK     @ UBVMSD     BritM00se
                                V065L4KV     @ UBVMSD     Donald Duck
                                V067LUFD     @ UBVMSD     Riff, DeathM00se
                                V068GZ8E     @ UBVMSD     Evil
                                V068KY46     @ UBVMSD     Ineedanickname
                                V068MVHU     @ UBVMSD     Brandy
                                V078QM32     @ UBVMSD     F00nels
                                V083PBXV     @ UBVMSD     Sindar
                                V085PWPZ     @ UBVMSD     Valerie.  :)
                                V096NHDQ     @ UBVMSD     Chris M00spaw
                                V097NQQG     @ UBVMSD     EXPL0RER 01
                                V098PZJD     @ UBVMSD     Cardinal M00se
                                V101PYRW     @ UBVMSD     Villager M00se
                                V110JQ34     @ UBVMSD     The Reverend M00ster
                                V122QQVZ     @ UBVMSD     Sweeper M00se
                                V133NNUW     @ UBVMSD     BigBadM00se
                                V291NHTP     @ UBVMSD     WarM00se, DangerM00se
                                IN%"JJZ      @ S.CC.PURDUE.EDU"
Connecticut College chapter     IJDIC        @ CONNCOLL   Scub
Connecticut State U thr0ng      CLAFFEY_JOR  @ CTSTATEU   Indiana Joe
                                COLANGELO    @ CTSTATEU   Ken Colangelo
                                CRAMER       @ CTSTATEU   Scopus
                                HENNEQUI_WEM @ CTSTATEU   Anonym00se
                                LEE_JES      @ CTSTATEU   SalmonM00se
                                PHINNEY_AVK  @ CTSTATEU   Phredde
                                WITHALL      @ CTSTATEU   Goblin
Cornell thr0ng                  CBRY         @ CORNELLA   Ladykate
                                                          Spaceman Biff
CUNY chapter                    P02QC        @ CUNYVM     Mike
Drew chapter                    MHEAD        @ DREW       Drewid
HABiT (H0use 0f Ap0stles        DB06103      @ UAFSYSB    M00se Man
      0f Biggles Thr0ng)        DB06103      @ UAFSYSB    Ms. M00se
                                JC06081      @ UAFSYSB    Nemesis Milph
                                SH06078      @ UAFSYSB    Dave T. Dead/R0b0p0pe
Hartford thr0ng                 AHRENS       @ HARTFORD   Wrangle
                                BEAUBIEN     @ HARTFORD   Sindex
                                DICKSON      @ HARTFORD   Pickle/MOON ROACH!
                                MELINOSKY    @ HARTFORD   Slick Jones
                                ROSSI        @ HARTFORD   The Chairman
                                SZIMMERM     @ HARTFORD   Greymalkin
                                WEIMAN       @ HARTFORD   Rhiannon/Sushi
Haverford thr0ng                K_KRAVITZ    @ HVRFORD    Q.
                                S_BLINN      @ HVRFORD    Sean Blinn
JHU (??) chapter                INS_AHJE     @ JHUVMS     Spocko
Lansing, NY thr0ng              B45J         @ CORNELLA   Lord Sabre
                                B45J         @ CRNLVAX5   Half-Elf
                                B45J         @ CRNLVAX5   The Innkeeper
                                TQMY         @ CRNLVAX5   Lord Trelf
Loyola thr0ng                   FRANK        @ LOYVAX     Spank
                                GAIL         @ LOYVAX     Sybil
                                KEVIN        @ LOYVAX
                                            Mr. Sparebuttonssuppliedwithhisshirt
                                MARKUS       @ LOYVAX     Markus
                                MARY_BETH    @ LOYVAX     Mary Beth
                                PAMELA       @ LOYVAX     Mommydammit
                                STASA        @ LOYVAX     Phoenix
                                TERESA       @ LOYVAX     Teresa
                                VANIDOR      @ LOYVAX     Vanidor
Maine chapter                   IO80222      @ MAINE      Rainmaker
North Dakota State U. chapter   UD140680     @ NDSUVM1    The Anachronist
Northeastern U.                 ACM_MDB      @ NUHUB      The_Sage
Nova Scotia chapter             01GORF       @ DALAC      Terry Grignon
0ber0n Trading Thr0ng           ST5616       @ SIUCVMB    QuantumCat
                                ST6344       @ SIUCVMB    Black_D0G the pirate
Old Dominion University thr0ng  LBS100S      @ ODUVM      (nick unknown)
                                MRH100C      @ ODUVM      Frizbog Gordnik
                                SAB100C      @ ODUVM      Sandi Bedford
Penn State thr0ng               JLA          @ HOGBBS.FIDONET.ORG
                                                          James L. Anderson
                                MSP          @ PSUECL     Mark S. Pfaff
                                WCF          @ PSUECL     Bill Fenner
Portland thr0ng                 IP60591      @ PORTLAND   Centauri
                                IP75004      @ PORTLAND   Blazer
                                IP85014      @ PORTLAND   qwerty
                                IP85033      @ PORTLAND   Mitsya the Red M00se
Siberacuse thr0ng               CRUSSELL     @ SUNRISE    GypsyLynx
                                DPFLINT      @ SUNRISE    Sandman
                                JBANKERT     @ SUNRISE    CHAOS Engineer
                                RABEELER     @ SUNRISE    Beez
                                RETANTS      @ SUNRISE    Scamp
                                VASISON      @ SUNRISE    Vince Sison
                                LIBISU2      @ SUVM       Guardian Angel
                                LIBLJR       @ SUVM       Niniane
Stony Brook thr0ng              BOWIEDEB     @ SBCCVM  But_You_Can_Call_Me_Maude
                                FNORD        @ SBCCVM     Fnord
                                JROSENSH     @ SBCCVM     Joanne Rosenshein
                                RRKHAN       @ SBCCVM     Romel
                                WALL         @ SBCCVM     Wall
Sweden chapter                  ICE          @ SEQZ51     Ice
Towson State U. chapter         S76NING      @ TOWSONVX   Paul
Trinity thr0ng                  CWELLER      @ TRINCC     Din0m00se
                                FANTASYG     @ TRINCC     Trinity Fantasy Guild
                                OPER3        @ TRINCC     Razz
                                REWING       @ TRINCC     Slick Rick
U California Riverside chapter  WATKINS      @ UCRVMS     Kevin
UConn chapter                   WALLFESH     @ UCONNVM    Sande
University of Missouri chapter  C482529      @ UMCVMB     Count_Zero
U of New Hampshire chapter      J_BUTMAN     @ UNHH       Oliver
U of Vermont chapter            DZUCKER      @ UVMVM      dzucker
Villanova thr0ng                054649739    @ VUVAXCOM   Satoru Ushiyama
                                188622462    @ VUVAXCOM   Kamikaze
                                580074787    @ VUVAXCOM   Fiben
                                59401463     @ VUVAXCOM   Starscream
                                SWORD05      @ VUVAXCOM   Ford Prefect
                                WATER        @ VUVAXCOM   The Doctor
Washington State U. thr0ng      24945863     @ WSUVM1     Bard
                                23480853     @ WSUVM1     Ishtar
                                90289872     @ WSUVM1     Cthulhu
Wesleyan thr0ng                 AG           @ WESLEYAN   Damsel
                                EAUBRY       @ WESLEYAN   ED
                                JBLUESTEIN   @ WESLEYAN   WabeWalker
                                JVINCENT     @ WESLEYAN   Lord Rassilon
                                JDOTY        @ WESLEYAN   The Keeper
                                LBURKA       @ WESLEYAN   The Heresiarch
                                LGREENSTEIN  @ WESLEYAN   Pope Atheist I
                                LMARR        @ WESLEYAN   His Serene Randomness
                                RSIMON       @ WESLEYAN   Roanic
Xavier chapter                  BRUGGMNJ     @ XAVIER     the WILD ONE!!!

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