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M00se Droppings 49

Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 01:17:41 -0700
From: Dark M00se Rising 
Subject: M00se Droppings #49 (July 13, 1994)

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Content-Type: text/plain; name="M00se_Droppings_#49"; charset="us-ascii"
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M00SE DROPPINGS #49 - July 13, 1994

  A-M00s-ing Anecdotes and Illumination By and For the Pawns of the
  M00se Illuminati

  _M00se_Droppings_ is published on the 13th of each month.  Send
  submissions and subscription requests to

  All contents copyright the respective authors.  More explicit
  copyright notice forthcoming, pending consultation with
  Pr0phetm00se, our resident expert.

This issue is being mailed to 74 chapters of the M00se Illuminati.


   Editor In Chief:        Bill Dickson   
   Assistant/News Editor:  Dominic White  
   Reviews Editor:         Gary Olson     


   Editorial Notes

   News Droppings
     M00ses in the News!
     Reporter positions available

   Special Features
     A Rose By Any Other Name, or Divining Online Honesty
     The M00sey Congressional Record
     How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Tea

   Regular Features
     Ask The Sage
     Tracking the M00sey Age

     The Shadow
     Fun With Milk and Cheese

>From Pickle, your Friendly Editor

  Hello everybody, and welcome to _M00se_Droppings_#49_.  Yes,
  that's right, after a mere 73 months since our first issue, we are
  one issue shy of the big five-oh.  Exciting, isn't it?

  So I'm pleased to announce that, as of issue #50, we will be
  changing the title of the newsletter to "The Gary, Eric, Dominic
  and Bill Follies."  The publication has evolved in its time,
  finally settling on a format that includes frantic last-minute
  scrambling by four people, plus (this time) a submission from
  Bill's mom.  We believe that the new title more accurately
  reflects the spirit of the newsletter, and hope that our readers
  will agree.

  Of course, if our readers ~don't~ agree, they could probably
  express their displeasure with the decision by hunting me down and
  wrapping me in a huge slice of stale Velveeta that has been soaked
  in city water for three days.  However, I would personally prefer
  that they send some submissions to help round out the content of
  _M00se_Droppings_, making it more truly reflective of the vast
  variety of m00siness out there.  Trust me, if I hate your
  submission, I won't embarrass you by publishing it.  I won't even
  laugh at you.  I'll just quietly stick it in the "use later if
  necessary" folder and forget about it until the Inspiration Well
  dries up completely.

  We've got a couple offers for people who want to do regular
  features as well (see below).  Drop me a note!

Little turds of information for your enjoyment and edification.


  Sending out a call to all M00ses!  Yes, this is to M00ses
  This regular feature will let other M00ses learn about fellow
  members of the International M00se Illuminati and focus on those
  M00ses who have done something to aid in the conspiracy, no matter
  how mundane it might seem!

  Did you cause a major corporation to crumble at your feet?  Did
  you engineer (from behind the scenes of course) the assassination
  of a puppet dictator of a South American nation?  Did you single-
  handedly cause the stock market crash of '29?  Did you brush your
  teeth this morning?

  If you, or any M00se you know of, did one of these, or anything
  else news-worthy , let me know.  And remember, we here at M00se
  Droppings trust our fellow M00ses.  And you know what that means!
  Yes, it means we are too lazy to chase after bothersome details
  such as the truth, proof, and facts.

  Please send any M00sey action by you or a fellow M00se that you
  find fit to be in "M00ses in the News," to Ickym00se
  ( by the 10th of each month.  Thank you.


  _M00se_Droppings_ is in need of two good m00ses.  In response to
  great demand (the single response was positive, making for a 100%
  approval rating), we would like to create a new regular feature,
  the Superguy Review.  Unlike our standard Reviews section, this
  will not be an analysis of the quality of Superguy stories;
  rather, it will be a very brief review of the month's occurrences
  on Superguy Digest.  Sort of like _Soap_Opera_Digest_, only less
  incisive.  The reporter in question will be expected to read
  Superguy regularly and thoroughly, and ~very~ briefly summarize
  the major events of the month's episodes in a positive light that
  will encourage people to subscribe to, and read, Superguy.

  We make no pretenses at impartiality here at _M00se_Droppings_.

  Our second new feature will be "Meet the M00ses," a regular
  interview piece.  The reporter will email (or, if brave, live-chat
  or even phone) the subject M00se, selected at his or her
  discretion, and conduct some sort of interview.  This will be
  reminiscent of the old "Meet the M00ses" feature pioneered in

  Both these reporters will need to have their stories in to Pickle
  ( on the 11th of each month.

  If you're interested in either of these features, please contact
  Pickle and let him know why he should give you the job.  Bear in
  mind that neither position pays so much as a farthing.

  In this issue we have an essay on life and love on America Online
  from M00semom, a transcript from a secretly-taped meeting of several
  M00se Illuminati, and a detailed description of the life-affirming
  methods of making the best cup of tea you've ever had.

A Rose By Any Other Name, or Divining Online Honesty
Part one of a two-part essay by M00semom

  [This article is to be first published (if they don't get any
  decent submissions) in  Moose Droppings, the illustrious
  publication of the slightly anarchistic but mostly harmless Moose
  Illuminati, which is read by tens of persons who've not much
  better to do with their time, apparently, except to fish about for
  like-minded looneym00ses (looneym00si?) with which to commiserate.
  The names of the scurrilous have been changed to protect their
  identity.  The innocent, on the other hand are precisely who I say
  they are, since they don't seem to give a damn.  Otherwise
  m00sefully submitted by Deborah Kate of the M00semom persuasion.]

  Convinced by my son through shameless enticements, nay promises,
  of more frequent mail from him to me, I went, at the tender age of
  46,  ON-LINE.  I lasted for months on AOL never using up my
  allotted hours and only paying the requisite $9.95 per month fee.
  Few letters came.  Having been divorced and living on my own for
  two years, on the occasion of my ex-husband's announcement that he
  had beat me to the punch and got himself a date on-line I
  naturally signed on myself to investigate chat rooms, humming
  "Anything he can do I can do better."  I hadn't a clue what I was
  waltzing into, I assure you.  I'm a small-town M00semom, and
  though a long time and some distance removed from my small town
  roots, vestigially, at least, I'm naive as hell.  So imagine my
  surprise when after less than a minute on-line I received a little
  private instant message on my screen from a fellow saying "Please
  tell me you're an exciting woman!"  Spontaneously and
  enthusiastically, I replied "Please tell me you're an exciting man
  over 40!"  It seemed cute at the moment.  And this fellow took a
  little time to flirt before I got the gist of what was going on
  when he told me in anatomical precision exactly what he'd like to
  do to me.  A little shocked, I told him off and he finally gave up
  and went away.  I'd not yet learned the miracle of the ignore
  option on the screen.

  This sort of thing turned out not to be uncommon.  During the
  first two weeks I was on-line I felt like the new woman in town
  who everyone was checking out, sizing up as prey.  Sometimes
  people are perfectly polite and straightforward asking quickly and
  simply for what they want, and those tend to take a quick polite
  no in return very well, nod their thanks for the moment I took to
  reply and walk away.  Some are crass, on the other hand and
  terribly persistent.  So frustrating and annoying are these types
  that early in my on-line chatting I answered a simple hello from a
  man by snapping "I hope you're not yet another man looking for sex
  this morning!  It's only 8goddamo'clock!"  The poor fellow said,
  "Good grief no," went away and I never heard from him again.  "Oh,
  great," I thought, "now I'M becoming a rude on-liner!"

  But just when I was fearing that I'd never figure out how this
  electronically oriented community operated or find intelligent,
  pleasant life forms within it, life on-line took a decided turn
  for the better.  I saw a fellow named Harpmaker in a room.  Having
  an abiding fondness for the Celtic harp, I asked him if he made
  the instruments.  Imagine my delight when Harpmaker actually
  turned out to be a man who (drum roll, please) makes harps!  He
  was in fact working on his first Celtic model but specializes in
  reproducing ancient Aeolian wind harps.  We talked about where he
  lives, on a mountain outside Albuquerque, and his animals and our
  common love of nature, our philosophies about living.  One
  afternoon I checked my e-mail to find a letter from Harpmaker, who
  was feeling very low.  He'd lost his job that day.  I decided to
  pick up the phone and tell him, in real space voice, that I got
  his message and that I cared and that I was available if he needed
  to talk.  We've had some great, in-depth discussions about the
  nature of work in our lives and the opportunity and risk he's
  taking by accepting this loss of a regular, paying job, and
  turning harp making into his full-time livelihood.  Harpmaker Bob
  has become a friend in a couple of very short months.  Not a
  casual friend, but the kind I'd want my family to notify if I
  suddenly fell unm00sely ill.

  I met another man in a hot tub in an Over Forty room one night.
  He was singing "Down By the Old Mill Stream" and I began to (if
  you're on a Mac, please note the deft double entendre) chime in
  with alternating lines of the song.  We exchanged e-mail and it
  seemed we could read one another like the proverbial book and yet
  be delighted with one another's observations and ideas.  It was so
  obvious to each of us that we were exactly who we presented
  ourselves to be, that this man sent off his home and office phone
  numbers to me in his second letter!  Like my friend Bob, Alex is
  also married, so this decision on his part involved a lot of
  trust.  I mentioned that, when I sent my phone number in my next
  letter to him, and he simply replied "Yes, it does."  This is not
  a naive man.  This is, in fact, a lawyer in a rather highly placed
  state office.  I value his artfully straight ahead prose on all
  manner of subjects, ridiculous and sublime.  And I know if I
  needed a shoulder or his insight, he'd be there for me.  I know
  this, because I've had occasion to find out the hard way.  Our
  friendship is deep and solid.

  A third happenstance meeting led me to think a lot about who's who
  on-line and off. I'll call this man Tackackack.  Now Tackackack
  sounded, and was, in fact, interesting and intelligent.  But he
  had a notion about on-line relationships which distressed me.  I'd
  heard it from other people before but from no one as convincingly
  self-indoctrinated as this man.  He spoke of on-line as "up here
  in space" and talked about flying together and he wasn't just
  talking about sex, though I'm pretty sure he was getting around to
  that part.  No, Tackackack really needed to believe that on-line
  represents an alternate universe where we can develop a new self-
  image, or remake ourselves, at least temporarily.

  The problem with that for me is, that it's tough enough to trust
  people whose faces I can see and read.  Most folks don't convey
  through words all that I need to know to develop a trusting
  relationship, or they seem one way when they write, but are very
  different in face to face dealings.  I do think that on-line
  chatting and e-mail provide a wonderful forum, an informal
  workshop if you like, for developing our communications skills and
  ultimately ourselves.  But for me that works through extending who
  I really am off-line into the on-line community.  One persona is
  quite enough for me to manage, thanks.  I'm not talking about, or
  criticizing all the folks who have playful personas for on-line
  entertainment.  I'm only suggesting that while humor of all kinds
  is a healthy part of relationships and that we certainly all have
  the right to "play pretend" when we want to and agree on it,
  there's a big old difference between entertainment and developing
  relationships which are meaningful and lasting.  For instance,
  each time I'm confronted by a person who tells me that it's OK to
  have sex with him, or any other pretend relationship with him
  on-line, I have a pretty standard response.  I'm not pretend.  I'm
  real.  He's real.  And anything we say or do on-line together is
  real too.  And then I remind him that I have a charge card with a
  verrrrry high limit and that I could be on his doorstep by
  morning, pretty much no matter where he is.  For most people
  that's real enough.  Some, though, insist on arguing that their
  concept of on-line sex is like "masturbating to a playboy
  magazine."  (And they think this will entice me?)  I gently but
  firmly remind them that they are speaking with a feminist who'd
  rather Playboy didn't exist anyhow, and point out that on-line sex
  is very basically different from what they describe because it's
  interactive.  Or I assume that it should be.  Would one party just
  sit there and let the other do all the work/play? Kind of evokes
  images of Lily Tomlin's telephone operator whining plaintively,
  "Is this the party to whom I am speaking?"

  But back to Tackackack, if you recall him or care.  One thing that
  had both touched and distressed me was his plea to me that he
  needed women friends, that he had completely given up having
  friendships with men, who he felt simply weren't good at it.  I
  urged him to reconsider his position, for I, after all had already
  made friends with two very nice men on-line who talk with me about
  things which matter.  Nonetheless, when he heard my arguments for
  extending real life to on-line he abruptly disappeared except to
  creep back into my mailbox one day with the news that he was
  having a rather sudden and intense relationship with a "wonderful
  woman" and he wasn't sure where it was going.  He described it as
  scary.  Tackackack is also married and encoding his correspondence
  lest his wife find it.  (I highly recommend to him and anyone else
  interested in male/female communications skills, Deborah Tannen's
  book "You Just Don't Understand."  Men are certainly capable of
  communicating with other men and women as friends and not solely
  as competitors or potential conquests.  But I'll leave that
  discussion to Ms. Tannen's able pen.)

  Since then, I've met a lot of pleasant people who correspond with
  me occasionally or chat on-line.  But the two close friends I've
  found are the only ones who seem always to "show up" on-line just
  when I need to talk to them.  I've wondered how, out of 700,000
  AOL members, we managed to find one another.  Coincidence?  Nah.
  Serendipity?  For certain.

  But a well-developed sense of reading people and discerning their
  sincerity helps with the process of figuring out who to trust.  I
  learned to look up personal profiles before I talk much with
  anyone.  If they don't have one, I'm wary right away and probably
  will be polite but mostly ignore or avoid the individual.  The
  on-line equivalent of "Hey, baby, what's your sign" is easy to
  spot because it's the same kind of line you find, well, off-line.

  And now I must tell you, confess, even, that in the brief time
  I've been learning the ropes around here, I've already (blush)
  fallen in love.

  Read the next issue, when a story of online honesty and romance is
  revealed, exclusively for you, dear reader, before
  _A_Current_Affair_ gets wind of it.

The M00sey Congressional Record
by Big City M00se, AKA Bill Paul (

  Ladies and gentlem00ses, what follows is a transcript of the
  proceedings of the first and thus far only session of the 1st
  National M00sey Congress, convened on June 27th, 1994 at 3:32 PM,
  and recessed twenty minutes later when it became evident that the
  representatives were in imminent danger of missing that
  afternoon's episode of Animaniacs.

  The M00sey Congressional Record, as it's been euphemistically
  entitled, is reprinted here as an example to those aspiring to
  m00sedom and long time m00se chapters alike of precisely how not
  to run a government.  M00ses are encouraged to study this text
  carefully and watch for parallels in their local and national
  governing bodies.  In the event that such parallels are
  discovered, the M00sey High Command should immediately be
  informed, at which point absolutely no action will be taken.  (No
  action should be required:  the mere possibility of the M00sey
  High Command becoming involved should be enough to whip any
  wayward politician into line.)

  M00sey readers should not be alarmed by the Congress's final act,
  which is one of self-abolishment, for the following reasons:  1)
  M00sey principles strictly forbid members of the Congress from
  abiding by any legal decree, especially their own; and 2)
  Pr0phetm00se has already made it abundantly clear that the world
  ended some years ago, so it doesn't really matter what they do

  The members of the 1st Congress would like to point out that any
  thr0ng of sufficient size has the authority to form its own
  Congress for any reason, and at any time, and that each Congress
  has the same m00sey rights and privileges as any other, which is
  to say, none at all.

  The 1st National M00sey Congress consists of the following M00se
  Illuminati chapters:

  _Big_City_M00se_ (Bill Paul):  Speaker of the apartment,
  representative of the state of Confusion, named official
  Congressional mascot over his many heated protests

  _Alacrity_ (John Bankert):  Treasurer, Representative of the state
  of Housemate Loathing (reformed)

  _Sabre_the_Pr0phetm00se_ (Eric Alfred Burns):  Representative of
  the state of Constantly Moving From State To State, official
  Congressional tea brewer, official Congressional prognosticator,
  also named secretary of defense by virtue of his sizeable
  collection of Nerf weaponry

  _Pickle_ (Bill Dickson):  Representative of the state of Total
  Romantic Ineptitude, official Congressional beer supplier

  _SvedishM00se_ (Gary Olson):  Representative of the state of
  Intoxication, Ladler of the sheep dip, official Congressional
  bribe taker

  _Icky-m00se_ (Dominic White):  Representative of the state of
  Lousy Bagpipe Playing, official Congressional slut

  _Austerem00se_ (Evan Pongress):  Representative of the state of
  Rigor Mortis, frequently deceased keeper of the official
  Congressional leather jacket

  _Manlym00se_ (Frank O.):  Representative of the state of
  Unemployment, official Congressional bouncer

  _Also_appearing_:  Gavel Boy, played by Larry 'Bud' Melman

  _Special_guest_defenestration_victim_:  Tori Spelling

  Special thanks to the CIA for actually recording the proceedings,
  since none of the Congressional representatives thought to do it
  themselves, and for leaving the recordings and transcripts out in
  plain sight where one of our m00sey infiltrators was able to steal

**Transcript Begins**

  [The Congress has convened in good sized room containing a large
  table with a gabardine tablecloth around which all the members of
  the Congress are seated, except for Big City M00se who is standing
  at the head of the table behind a podium.  The podium is actually
  an empty beer keg with a board on top of it.  Big City M00se is
  holding a gavel.  Icky-m00se is sitting immediately to Big City
  M00se's right, followed by Pickle, SvedishM00se, Pr0phetm00se,
  Austerem00se, Alacrity, and Manlym00se.  There's an open doorway
  leading out of the room not far from where Big City M00se is
  standing.  Next to the doorway is a closed closet and next to the
  closet door is a window through which a city skyline is visible.]

BIG CITY M00SE (rapping his gavel on the podium):  Alright,
  alright, settle down everyone! I hereby call this, the first
  session of the 1st National M00sey Congress to order.

  [Icky-m00se turns to Big City M00se and is about to say something
  when Big City M00se interrupts him.]

BIG CITY M00SE:  Dominic, I know what you're about to say.  I've
  made the mistake of leaving myself open for a stupid joke about
  ordering food, but I warn you:  if so much one word escapes your
  lips concerning food, I'm going to crack open your skull, extract
  your brain, grind it into a paste and make waffles out of it.

SVEDISHM00SE:  Hey, that sounds good!

ALACRITY:  Yeah, I could go for waffles.

PROPHETM00SE:  Waffles all around, Bill!

BIG CITY M00SE (sternly):  I was making a joke:  there aren't any

SVEDISHM00SE:  I'll have french toast then.

BIG CITY M00SE:  I'm sorry, Frank toasted the last Frenchman

MANLYM00SE:  It was for the best guys:  he was starting to go bad.

ICKY-M00SE:  Aren't they all.

PICKLE:  How about beer then?

BIG CITY M00SE:  Fine fine, if it'll make you all happy.

  [Pickle taps the center of the table and a beer tap springs up
  there.  All of the members of the Congress, except Big City M00se,
  produce frosty mugs and fill up on the tasty microbrew.  There is
  much rejoicing.]

SVEDISHM00SE:  I move that we begin all future Congressional
  meetings with a frosty mug of fine beer!

PICKLE:  I second that motion!

BIG CITY M00SE:  Very well, motion carried. (raps gavel on podium)
  Now then our first order of business--

PROPHETM00SE:  Wait, what about our waffles?

BIG CITY M00SE (angrily):  There aren't any bleeding waffles!

SVEDISHM00SE:  I'll have french toast then.

BIG CITY M00SE:  Look, are we going to do something Congressional
  here or not?

ICKY-M00SE:  Can we have waffles afterwards?

BIG CITY M00SE (sighs):  Yes yes, after we adjourn you can do
  anything you want.

PROPHETM00SE:  Move to adjourn!

BIG CITY M00SE:  We can't adjourn yet! We haven't done anything!

PICKLE:  Well how do you expect us to get anything done when you
  keep going on about waffles?

BIG CITY M00SE:  Alright alright, no more talk about waffles, as
  of now, okay?!

[SvedishM00se raises his hand and starts to speak.]

BIG CITY M00SE (cutting SvedishM00se off):  Same goes for french

[SvedishM00se dejectedly lowers his hand.]

BIG CITY M00SE:  Right, I hope that's settled.  Now, since this is
  the first session of the Congress, our first order of business
  should be to create a Constitution for our M00sey Nation.

MANLYM00SE:  I'd like to propose an amendment!

BIG CITY M00SE:  Frank, we haven't even ratified the Constitution

ICKY-M00SE:  Does that matter?

BIG CITY M00SE:  Hunh?

ICKY-M00SE:  Well, I mean, what do people most often do with

PICKLE:  Hide behind them?

MANLYM00SE:  Amend them!

PROPHETM00SE:  Make waffles out of them!

ICKY-M00SE:  No:  argue about them.  Not only is it next to
  impossible to design a constitution that everybody will be happy
  with, but once it's ratified everybody winds up arguing over how
  to interpret it.  I say constitutions are more trouble than
  they're worth, and that we, as M00sey elite, should set an example
  by not having one.

ALACRITY:  He has a point you know:  we don't want to spend all
  our time arguing over a silly little thing like a constitution.

PICKLE:  Our constituencies would never stand for that.

PROPHETM00SE:  It's quite a clever idea really:  it would be the
  only completely ambiguous constitution in existence.

ICKY-M00SE:  Exactly.  And I have a date later so I'd much rather
  we just skipped the whole thing so I'll have time to get dressed.

BIG CITY M00SE (scratching his head with his gavel):  So what
  you're telling me is that you'd all prefer that we simply forget
  about the Constitution entirely and have just the amendments?

  [The other Congressional representatives offer various rumblings
  of agreement.]

BIG CITY M00SE:  Well, I'm all for saving time, of course.  Right:
  Dominic has moved that the M00sey Constitution be nothing of the
  sort.  Any seconds?

SVEDISHM00SE:  I second!

BIG CITY M00SE:  Very well:  motion carried.

  [Big City M00se goes to rap his gavel on the podium and
  immediately discovers that he is now holding a banana.  He looks
  down accusingly at Icky-m00se, who struggles to keep from
  giggling.  He then tosses the banana aside and pulls a new gavel
  from under the back of his shirt.]

BIG CITY M00SE (raps gavel and sneers at Icky-m00se):  Okay, now
  that we have decided not to have a Constitution, I suppose it's
  safe to move on to the amendments.  Frank, what was the amendment
  you wanted to propose?

  [Manlym00se stands and places his Large Manly Fist over his Large
  Manly Chest.  Patriotic background music begins to play.  The
  other representatives are transfixed by his Manly form and wait
  eagerly for him to speak.]

MANLYM00SE:  I propose that the First Amendment to the M00sey
  Constitution read:  Congress shall make no law...

  [The music plays on for a few more seconds then winds down.  There
  is a pregnant pause while the other representatives anxiously
  listen for further speechifying which fails to materialize.]

SVEDISHM00SE:  Is that it?


ICKY-M00SE:  I like it!

PROPHETM00SE:  Yes! Its simple, yet it has broad implications on
  the whole of M00sey jurisprudence!

PICKLE:  It saves us from ever having to create a supreme court!

ALACRITY:  With no laws there can be no lawbreakers!

SVEDISHM00SE:  And no lawyers!

  [The representatives cheer raucously at the notion of the M00sey
  Nation being completely devoid of lawyers.]

ALL (except Austerem00se):  Yay!

BIG CITY M00SE (taps his gavel on the podium and calls for quiet):
  Okay, let's make this official:  Frank has moved that the first
  Amendment to the Constitution prohibit the Congress from making
  any more laws.

SVEDISHM00SE:  I second the motion!

BIG CITY M00SE:  Motion carried! Okay, now we have to vote:  all
  those in favor of passing Frank's Amendment into law, signify by
  saying 'Aye!'

ALL (except Austerem00se):  Ay!

BIG CITY M00SE:  Those opposed, signify by saying 'Nay!'

  [There is no response.  Big City M00se takes note of the fact that
  Austerem00se has failed to vote either way.  He further notes that
  he's slumped face down onto the table.]

BIG CITY M00SE:  Hold it...  why didn't Evan vote?

  [Pr0phetm00se examines Austerem00se for a moment, then sits back
  in his chair.]

PROPHETM00SE (contritely):  He's dead.

BIG CITY M00SE (annoyed):  What, again!?

SVEDISHM00SE:  He left a note here that says it's a temporary
  relapse and that he'll most likely be recovered in time for us to
  catch Animaniacs.

BIG CITY M00SE:  Wonderful.  Wait just a minute...  If he's dead,
  how did he finish his beer?

  [Big City M00se points out the empty beer mug near Austerem00se's
  open hand.]

SVEDISHM00SE:  I drank it for him. (smiles weakly) He said I

BIG CITY M00SE:  Whatever.  We'll put Evan down as an abstention.
  Alright, we've got our First Amendment.  Any ideas for our second?

What will the second m00sey amendment be?  Due to space
restrictions, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the next issue
of M00se Droppings to find out.  Stay tuned, and until next time,
remember:  it's not so much who you confuse that counts but how
you confuse them! Bl00p!

How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Tea
A M00se Survival Guide by Sabre the Pr0phetm00se

  Few people realize what an utterly important and vital part of
  life and society tea is.  Tea is more than our friend, it is a
  taskmaster which drives evolution forward in a frighteningly
  Darwinian scenario which we accept all unwillingly because we are
  forced to.  Orange Pekoe and Pekoe cut black tea (the most common
  tea in America, including all major brands) contains significantly
  more caffeine than coffee, yet does not seem to be so heavy in the
  drinking.  This dichotomy leads people to drink too much tea
  without respecting its power, and then their heads explode and
  their stomachs melt into a festering mass of Tannic Acid.
  Therefore, we include this Tea Brewing Guide to help promote safe
  Tea Usage in 44 out of the 47 States of the Union.

  To brew the perfect cup of tea, you will need the following:

    A tin of loose tea -- preferably Twinings.  This tea should be one
    of the following:

      English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Formosa
      Oolong, Lapsong Souchong, Darjeeling, Prince of Wales, or
      China Black

    A copper tea kettle with a whistle attachment
    Six ounces skim milk warmed to room temperature
    A jar of honey emptied into a china pitcher
    Silver spoons
    A china teacup and saucer
    A sterling silver tea infuser
    A bone china three cup tea pot
    A gas stove (a lit can of sterno will ~not~ suffice)
    A copy of British Weekly Magazine
    A picture of Queen Elizabeth II
    A rolling pin
    A Hotpoint Hot Shot
    A tea bag (Lipton or Red Rose)
    A Far Side mug
    A working cold water tap
    A gallon of non-carbonated, non-flavored spring water

  First fill the copper kettle full to the rim with tap water.  Heft
  the tea kettle for a few seconds.  This serves to limber the
  muscles up.  Take the full kettle of water around your home and
  water your plants.  If you have no plants (or conversely no home)
  go to neighbors homes until you find plants to water.  Whistle
  show tunes as you water the plants, but do ~not~ sing.

  When the copper kettle is empty, return to the area where you are
  making tea.  Fill the pot exactly three quarters of the way full
  with spring water.  Check the depth.

  Wait five minutes, to let the water and pot get to know each other
  a bit.  If they are on friendly terms, it will make the rest of
  the process so much nicer.  Read an article from the copy of
  _British_Weekly_Magazine_.  This will put you in the proper mood.

  Turn the gas burner on to medium.  The copper pot will allow for
  even heating, but the lower flame will promote the water to boil

  Set the pot on the flame.  Make certain the whistle attachment is
  in place, so that you know when the water will be at a hard boil.
  Continue reading _British_Weekly_, occasionally humming "Hail,

  Eventually, you will finish the magazine.  Check the kettle.  Make
  certain the whistle attachment is tight, being careful not to burn
  yourself on the hot copper.  Lift the lid and glance inside.  Sigh
  when you see the water is distinctively not boiling.  Sing all the
  verses to "God Save the Queen" that you happen to know.  Read the
  classifieds in _British_Weekly_.

  At around this time, you will hear a rustling sound from the
  kettle.  Run over to the stove and look at it, waiting for the
  whistling to start and your tea adventure to begin.  Wait long
  minutes.  Check the whistle attachment again.  Stick your slightly
  singed fingers in your mouth and lift the kettle's lid.  Try to
  figure out what's making that rustling sound, since the water is
  not boiling.  Put the lid back on.

  Take this time to measure two silver teaspoons worth of tea into
  the silver infuser.  Try not to get upset when you spill half the
  tea onto the counter.  Sweep it into your hand and throw it out.
  Measure out more.  Swear as you spill that.  Repeat.  Again.  In a
  huff, thrust the infuser into the tin of tea and cram it full of
  tea, forcing the lid of the infuser on.

  Check the damn kettle.  Make sure the whistle attachment isn't
  loose.  Scream as you burn your hand.  Put it into a stream of
  cold water from the tap until your hand goes numb.  Look at the
  picture of the Queen accusingly.  The rustling sound from the pot
  will be quite loud.  Become convinced that it's boiling and go
  take the lid off the kettle.  Swear loudly when it isn't.  Stick
  your finger (from your unburnt, not-numb hand) into the water.
  Swear unbelievably when you feel it's merely lukewarm.  Replace
  the lid and turn the flame up as high as it will go, and pace.

  Begin pacing faster -- fast enough to raise a sweat.  Start
  singing "God Save The Queen" by the Sex Pistols at the top of your
  lungs.  Give your picture of the Queen the finger.  Start doodling
  on your copy of _British_Weekly_.  Try to name all of the Rolling
  Stones.  Give up, and settle for naming all of the Beatles.
  Failing that, just name all of the Monkees you can remember.

  About now the whistle attachment will begin to scream at 167
  decibels, causing you to jump five feet and knock the honey over
  into the skim milk.  Begin swearing as you try to clean up,
  yelling louder and louder as you try to speak over the whistle
  attachment.  Begin to suffer hearing loss.  Storm over to the
  stove and grab the kettle.  Try to pour, but forget the damn
  whistle attachment is on, causing two drops of water to be the
  limit that will come out.  Grab the whistle attachment and try to
  pull it off, forgetting that the copper of the kettle is currently
  212 degrees Fahrenheit.  Scream, throwing the searing metal from
  yourself as hard as you can, though not quickly enough to avoid
  third degree burns on your hand.  Drop the kettle, causing the lid
  to be knocked off and two thirds of a kettle full of water at a
  hard boil to cascade out onto the pelvic region of your body.
  Scream far louder than you have ever screamed before, grabbing
  your rolling pin and smashing dents into the kettle.  Use the pin
  to shatter the china teapot and cause the overfull infuser to
  burst like an overripe kumquat.  Throw the magazine at the picture
  of the Queen, screaming "It's all your fault!" at the top of your
  lungs.  Shatter the containers for the milk, honey, and the tea
  cup and saucer.  Flatten the spoons.


  Fill the Far Side mug with water from the tap and dump it in the
  Hot Shot.  Press the "Heat" button.  A light will come on.  Put
  the teabag into the mug.  Chuckle at the cartoon, while trembling
  with hysteria.  When the light goes out (about thirty seconds)
  place the mug under the hot shot's spout and press "Dispense."
  Boiling water will pour out over the tea bag.  Set the mug on the
  counter, and methodically dunk the tea bag until the water turns a
  deep red color.  Throw away the tea bag and sip.  Realize this is
  the best cup of tea you have ever had.  Go and watch television,
  sipping your perfect cup of tea and feeling better about the
  world.  Forget about the gas stove burner still set to high.  Die
  a horrible, fiery death in your sleep.


  Returning again are Superguy Digest's The Sage with his omniscient
  advice, and Pr0phetm00se's report on the progression of the M00sey

  Feel free to send in your questions for The Sage, care of

Ask The Sage
The Only Advice Column You'll Ever Need or Want
by Superguy Digest's The Sage

  This is the Sage, welcoming you once again!  As you (and I well
  know), I know everything!  ~Everything,~ I tell you!  Do you feel
  betrayed by so-called "psychic" phone lines?  Feel tired of trying
  to follow the alleged "advice" given by other, lesser advice
  columnists?  Tired of trying to get a straight answer out of that
  schleppy Usenet Oracle (which doesn't know ~half~ as much as I do,

  Of ~course~ you are!  I know!  After all, I'm the Sage!  I know
  ~everything!~  So, if you have a question for me, send it to
  Pickle, and he shall relay it to me!  I, in turn, will answer it!

  In the meantime, on to the questions!


  I have a hunch that my husband is cheating on me.  He stays late
  at the office every night, working on what he says is a "very
  important project."  Yet, when he comes home, there's lipstick on
  his collar, the smell of perfume about his person, and lots of
  one, five, ten, and even twenty dollar bills tucked into his
  briefs.  What gives?

  Baffled in Bali


  Your husband is taking part in a management training course, to
  upgrade his job skills for the new employment market that will
  shortly be facing him.  He is not cheating on you, though he once
  considered having a fling with his former secretary, until she
  told him she had stopped dating mammals.


  Will I find love in my future?

  Desperate in Des Moines


  Yes!  Unfortunately, your love will be unrequited, for Regis
  Philbin does not know you exist.  You will die lonely, but
  extremely rich, and the movie rights to your life will be opted to
  Rupert Murdoch, who will cast Grace Jones to play you, despite the
  fact that you are a German man.


  Hey, if you know everything, why aren't you rich?  Why don't you
  play the lottery?

  Cynical in 'Cisco


  Ah, the voice of the hopelessly naive speaks!  It is ~because~ I
  know everything that I do not use my omniscience for excessive
  monetary gain!  And you should by no means play the lottery, as it
  virtually guarantees that you will be shot.

  That's all the time I have for this issue!  This is the Sage,
  signing off!

Tracking the M00sey Age
Prophecy McNuggets for your Illumination
by Sabre the Pr0phetm00se

  One of the saddest facts of our pathetic existence as thinking
  beings is the deadline.  This isn't to say the deadline and
  resulting deadline pressure are as nasty and anti-social as true
  horrors of our so-called modern age like ethnic cleansing,
  environmental degradation, and Zima.  Just that there is a certain
  death of the spirit that comes when a creative individual is
  forced into a timetable set by the vagrancies of the publishing

  Of course, these are made all the worse when the column in
  question is one written by a prophet, since prophets can't just
  drop back ten and punt.  They have to be enlightened by the
  spirits and forces that drag them kicking and screaming to

  These first two paragraphs may well have told the astute reader
  that your resident prophet is writing this column at the very last
  moment.  This is more true than you could know.  Saddled into a
  mold by the arbitrary decision to encourage readers and members of
  the conspiracy by producing this newsletter at some form of
  regular intervals, the Pr0phetm00se has found himself at the
  eleventh hour, without so much as a glimmer as to the next
  morning's weather, much less insight into the coming of the M00sey

  It would be easy to rail against the heartless nature of the
  editors, except the rotten bastards have cleverly been supportive.
  "Oh, Sabre," they say in their high pitched editor voices, "if you
  haven't been enlightened this month, that's quite all right.  We
  can give The Sage another hundred lines.  Don't worry about it."
  They'd like me to believe in their goodwill, I can tell.  But they
  forget, I ~am~ a prophet, even if I'm not currently being
  enlightened.  I know full well that the minute I miss one of these
  deadlines, this space in the Newsletter will mysteriously be taken
  over by a column on Gardening Tips and Philosophy.  This column
  will be more popular than mine, and I'll be out on the street.

  [Note to myself:  Remember to have Sabre killed Thursday.  He's
  getting too close to the truth.]

  [PS - remember to remove note in final editing.]

  Don't kid yourselves -- with the failure of Ross "Sparky" Perot's
  campaign, there aren't very many gigs for professional prophets.
  So even if I have to do Tarot readings for the house Shrimp, there
  will be a prophetic column each issue, by Leviam00se.

  The Shrimp, by the way, exists.  He is the property of the owner
  of the house, another M00se whose name I cannot reveal in the
  interests of preventing Prophetic Groupies from camping out on his
  lawn all night (which is what forced me out of the apartment I
  shared with Guardian M00se -- well, that and Guardian M00se's
  taste in sausage).  He is a salt water Shrimp, and he is red and
  white.  Every other day, the House Owner dutifully drips brown
  sludge into his fish tank and the shrimp comes bounding over, all
  happy tentacles and feelers, and starts lapping it up.  The sludge
  is called "Invertebrate Formula," and is apparently very
  expensive.  In fact, it is incredibly expensive when you figure
  its just mud diluted with tap water.  But the Shrimp (who I call
  Tippy) loves it, doing his happy Shrimp dance as he sucks it down.

  The House Owner used to have other fish.  They're all dead now.  I
  think the sludge killed them.  I ~know~ that Tippy ate them.
  This, to me, is exciting drama, much like a community theater
  production of a Nova program on Our Salty Bugs of the Deep.

  I should also mention that we don't have cable.

  Besides the House Shrimp and the House Owner, there are two cats
  in our happy commune.  One cat's job, as near as I can tell, is to
  shed.  He is large and white, and he sleeps nineteen hours a day
  on any surface that could possibly be covered in fine white hair.
  He is a pleasant cat who purrs often, which leads me to believe
  that he enjoys his work.

  The other cat -- the official outdoor cat -- is far less satisfied
  with his lot in life.  I can understand this, as he is trapped on
  a quest for the Holy Grail, but he's been saddled with a brain the
  size of the mouse next to my computer.  He spends every waking
  minute ripping from one room to the next, eagerly searching for
  the Holy Grail.  He slides into the room, stares for a few
  seconds, and then completely forgets his quest.  He looks aimless
  for a minute, perhaps cleaning himself, and then suddenly sits up,
  a fire in his eyes.  Oh yes -- he forgot, but now he remembered --
  of course... the GRAIL!!!!  He then turns and runs at his top
  emergency speed straight back into the room he just left, and then
  repeats the above process.

  Computer users will note an infinite loop.  That's nice for the
  computer users, since the cat has yet to figure it out.
  Eventually, he thinks to ask to go out, is allowed to, and then
  dutifully answers the call of nature and the spirit of the hunt by
  passing out on the lawn.

  So, two hard working cats, an owner, a prophet, and a Shrimp named
  Tippy.  This is my environment.

  You wonder why I can't work up a decent prophecy to save my life?

Edited by Svedishm00se

  All reviews for future editions of M00se Droppings should be sent
  to me at, or swede@drycas.bitnet.
  Review anything you like - films, fanzines, deodorants, religions,
  and so on. You are encouraged to invent your own rating system -
  the more inconsistent this section is, the m00sier it is.  If you
  are able to send your review formatted to 72 columns, please do.
  If not, don't worry about it - this isn't rocket science, you
  know.  Pickle's deadline for submissions is the 11th of each
  month, so reviews should be in to me no later than the 9th.

  This month, we have a review of _the_Shadow_ by Icky-m00se, and
  Evan Dorkin's _Fun_with_Milk_and_Cheese_ by myself.  Bl00p!

The Shadow
A film review by Icky-m00se

Item:            A movie

Price:           Varies with cinema

Available from:  Some production company of some sort

Starring:        Penelope Anne Miller
                 Dr. Frank N. Furter
                 One of those hunky Baldwin boys

  Upon viewing "The Shadow," I was reminded of a line from the
  classic (I mean 'classic' in the way that Lizzie Borden is a
  classic axe murderer) science fiction movie, "Plan Nine from Outer
  Space."  That line is said with an insipid whine and goes
  something like this: "Stupid!  Stupid!  Stupid!"

  The dialogue is boring, the story is cliched to the point of being
  painful, and the screenplay is more dumbed down than a Jeopardy
  game starring the cast of _90120_. looks sooooo
  good.  I mean, they took the money they were obviously supposed to
  spend on scripts, line delivery classes, soundtracks, movie
  scores, and plastic surgery for Alec Baldwin's nose, and spent it
  all -- the whole wad -- on special effects and cinematography.

  Everything about this movie, from Miller in a skimpy negligee to
  Ghengis Kahn's sarcophagus to a hotel that millions of New Yorkers
  are unable to see, look phenomenal.  It's not as stylistic as
  something like "Darkman," but it's ranks right up there with
  _Blade_Runner_ and _Brazil_ when it comes to atmosphere.  (You'll
  notice that I didn't compare it to _Batman_ like every other hack
  movie critic has.  Of course it's like _Batman_!  The 1930's radio
  shows were like _Batman_ too.  Amazing how _Batman_ wasn't created
  by Bob Kane until the mid forties.  I wonder what his influences

  So, normally, I would say avoid a movie this stupid at all costs.
  If you must see it, see it on video.  Normally I would implore
  M00ses everywhere to hunt down and garrote the  movie producers
  who demanded the screenplay to be over-simplified to the point
  that a...that a...that a movie producer could understand it.
  Normally I would say rent _Jason_and_the_Argonauts_ instead.  But,
  alas, movies don't normally look this good, and its looks alone
  demand that it be viewed on the big screen.  So I recommend that
  people see this movie, but I also recommend that you don't pay
  anything over bargain matinee prices, and that you scream "shut
  the hell up!" every time some one on the screen opens their mouth.

  Rebuttals are welcome and will be reprinted after they are edited
  into incoherence.

Fun with Milk and Cheese
A comics review by Svedishm00se

Item:            _Fun_with_Milk_and_Cheese_, a collection of Evan
                 Dorkin's "Milk and Cheese" comics from the past
                 five years or so.

Price:           $9.95, plus sales tax in applicable states

Available from:  non-sucky comic stores everywhere, or write to
                 this address for a free catalog to order through:

                   Slave Labor Graphics
                   979 S. Bascom Avenue
                   San Jose, CA 95128

  "There's this carton of milk, see, and this wedge of cheese, and
  they watch TV, drink beer, and yell and hit people." - Evan
  Dorkin, from the introduction

  This is one of those things that are absolutely great to
  experience, but when you try to explain it to anyone else, it
  causes their attention to wander, or they get up and leave, or,
  worse, listen to you indulgently while trying not to giggle out
  loud.  I mean, how do you explain the epic violence, the
  ritualistic quality of each one to four page episode, the hatred,
  the beer, and the buckets of blood while claiming it's one of the
  funniest comics out there today?

  Answer:  you don't.  Milk and Cheese ("Dairy Products Gone Bad")
  are two characters that defy easy explanation, and would probably
  gouge out my eyeballs with a gin bottle if I tried.  In the course
  of this collection, they do violence to cows, clerks, cops, book
  stores, the justice system, drug pushers, nuns, whole cities,
  malls, hospitals, bowling alleys, cars, left-wingers, right-
  wingers, gas station attendants, pedestrians, children, mimes,
  record stores, conventions, comic book readers, comedians, society
  in general ("See society pay!  And pay!  And pay!"), and many,
  many more deserving targets, with humor that ranges from dark
  satire to blatant punning, all at a furious pace.

  Granted, Milk and Cheese would not make very good m00ses, as they
  are hardly non-violent.  But I think it's safe to say that a lot
  of m00ses would enjoy reading this collection.


  _Subscriptions_:  To subscribe to _M00se_Droppings_, send a
  message to Pickle (, containing the subject line
  "subscribe M00se Droppings".  To unsubscribe, use the subject line
  "unsubscribe M00se Droppings".

  _Submissions_:  For a current submissions guidelines file, send a
  message with the subject line "submission guidelines".  To send an
  actual submission, use the subject line "submit M00se Droppings".

  _Shameless_plugs_:  If you enjoy _M00se_Droppings_, you may also
  enjoy _Superguy_Digest_, a shared-world collaborative fiction
  group devoted mostly to humorous superhero fiction.  To subscribe,
  send mail to, containing the command
  "subscribe superguy your name here" in the body of the message.
  (Naturally, there are no quotes in the actual command, and you use
  your own name.)


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William R. Dickson, M00se
Co-Author, Internet Explorer Kit for
Author, "Team Cynical," Superguy


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