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M00se Droppings 04

 _      /\      _                                              _      /\      _
/ \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \  M     M   0000    0000    SSSSS  EEEEEEE  / \_/\_/  \_/\_/ \
\_____/ () \_____/  MM   MM  0  //0  0  //0  S       E        \_____/ () \_____/
     /      \       M M M M  0 // 0  0 // 0   SSSS   EEEEE         /      \
    /  \__/  \      M  M  M  O//  0  0//  0       S  E            /  \__/  \
   /__________\     M     M   0000    0000   SSSSS   EEEEEEE     /__________\
       D   D  R   R  O    O  P    P  P    P    I    NN  N  G       S
       D   D  RRRR   O    O  PPPPP   PPPPP     I    N N N  G  GGG   SSSS
       D   D  R  R   O    O  P       P         I    N  NN  G    G       S
       DDDD   R   R   OOO0   P       P       IIIII  N   N   GGGG   SSSSS
                                M00SE ILLUMINATI
 Issue #4 |  Disclaimer:  The Editor will place almost anything  | July 14, 1988
 ----------  in this newsletter out of a frantic desire to fill  ---------------
 the issue, so don't  blame him for the  quality or  content of the submissions.
 Excepting those  he may have written  himself, the enclosed items do not in any
 way represent the Editor's opinions.  In fact, let's be real safe, and say that
 as far as this newsletter is concerned, he has no opinions at all.  Okay? Good.
                           EDITORIALS AND LETTERS
        There are no real editorials this week.  All I have to say is that
Kamikaze has nearly completed the forwarding map for the new distribution
method.  Hopefully the map itself will be included in issue #5, and we can
start using it as of issue #6.
        Oh, yes, many of you still have questions about subscribing to the
CSNEWS m00se discussion.  Issue the following command to CSNEWS@MAINE with
an interactive message:
                        CSBB SUBSCRIBE M00SE
        You will then receive lots of help files that will explain how to
post messages to the list.  We can thank Sindex for sending me the command
after I accidentally deleted it.
                            EVENTS AND NEWS
        There was a thr0ng-a-thon in Baltimore this past weekend, which
I attended (hence the lateness of this issue!)  My report will be included
in issue #5.
                           FICTION AND POETRY
        No original stuff this week.  You may be thinking, "What a dull
issue!"  But wait.....there is lots of:
                           MISCELLANEOUS NONSENSE
        Lots of nonsense this week.  This is from Wolverine:
The following article was taken from the pages of "National Lampoon's
Yellow Journal" section and is fiction, not fact.
                  Millions Cheer As Cher Keels Over Dead
                  -------- ----- -- ---- ----- ---- ----
     The nations of the world are a little closer this month, thanks in part
to the recent death of seventy-four-year-old health-club spokesunit  and
Oscar winner Cher, who suddenly degraded into her component elements during
the filming of a new spa commercial.
     In celebration of the blessed event, the Palestinians and Israelis have
agreed to peace talks, Iran and Iraq have called a cease-fire, and the
Nicaraguan contras have surrenedered their weapons.  Pope John Paul II has
called a special Mass in Rome, calling the death "proof positive of a God
who cars and takes and active part in imporoving the lives of men."
     The cause of death has not been determined.  The actress/singer/monlith
was last seen entering a hot steam bath.  Details are sketchy, although
bystanders report hearing screams of "Gatemaster, give me another year,"
followed by a soft gurgling sound.  No remains were found other than a
small piece of tinfoil the deceased often wore as an evening gown.
        In a seemingly ordinary letter, to add Damsel to the M00se Illuminati,
Lord Rassilon wrote:
>  Amelia Goldberg (AGOLDBERG) aka: Damsel
>   also wishes to M00se.
        You will notice that Lord Rassilon used 'm00se' as a verb.  I hereby
propose that we use 'm00se' as a verb whenever it seems appropriate, but
certainly not to the nauseating extent that those little blue creatures
used 'smurf' as a verb.
        Last but not least, Beez sent us this song:
>       Here is a song which is one of my favorites but I don't know who
>did it. If you do include it make a note that if anyone has a clue who did
>it, send a message to me. Also, if anyone wants a copy I will bring my tape
>to Camp Relay II: The search for M00se. Thanx.
The Mail order ad song
Fell asleep last night with the TV on,
Oh, what a dream I had.
Drempt I went and answered every single one of those
Late Night Mail order ads.
And four to 6 weeks later,
Much to my surprise,
The mailman came to my front door,
And I couldn't beleive my eyes
When he brought the
Vegematic, and the pocket-fisherman too.
The illuminated illustrated history of life,
Boxcar Willie with a ginsu knife.
A bamboo steamer and a smokeless ashtray,too.
And a tyed-dyed souviner shirt
From six flags over Burbank.
Well the doorbell rang all morning,
And all through the afternoon.
I shook with fright as it rang all night
Under the light of the Mastercard moon.
There was parcel post in the pantry,
UPS in the hall,
COD's to the ceiling,
And I just couldn't pay for it all.
When he brought the
Egg Scrambler, with a seal-a-meal carrying case.
A set of presidential commemorative plates,
So I can eat my eggs off the president's face.
A minute mender and a garden weasel too,
And an Autographed photgraph of Rin-Tin-Tin
At six flags over burbank
Well I realized I was dreaming,
So I gave a rowdy cheer.
But when I awoke, it was no joke,
Cause all that Shit was here!
So if you fall asleep with the tv on,
Let me tell you what to do.
Rip the telephone out of the wall,
Unless you want it to happen to you.
Cause you'll get the
Vegematic, and the pocketfisherman,too.
Illuminated Illustrated history of life,
Boxcar Willie with a Ginsu knife
A bamboo steamer and a needle that will knit or Croqhet,
And A tyed-dyed souviner shirt
From six flags over burbank.
And, of course, another update on the General M00se list.  We have somewhere
around eight new chapters, pushing our total BITNET thr0ng to over fifty
chapters, bl00p to you all and welcome!  I apologize that you didn't get
personal mail from me, but it's been a very busy week...
Once again, look this list over and let me know if anything looks wrong.
If you told me once and I still didn't correct it, bear with me.  I don't
always think straight.
Alaska thr0ng                   JSJPC1       @ ALASKA     Jonathan
                                JSMDG        @ ALASKA     Martin
Bryn Mawr chapter               M_PETTIT     @ BRYNMAWR   Midland Maniac
Boston University chapter       CLXLAUC      @ BUACCA     Rorshach
Cornell chapter                 CBRY         @ CORNELLA   Ladykate
Lansing, NY chapter             B45J         @ CRNLVAX5   Half-Elf
Connecticut State U thr0ng      CEBELENS_CHR @ CTSTATEU   The Red Mage
                                CLAFFEY_JOR  @ CTSTATEU   Indiana Joe
                                PHINNEY_AVK  @ CTSTATEU   Phredde
                                WITHALL      @ CTSTATEU   Hobgoblin
Hartford thr0ng                 DICKSON      @ HARTFORD   Pickle/MOON ROACH!
                                SZIMMERM     @ HARTFORD   Greymalkin
Haverford thr0ng                K_KRAVITZ    @ HVRFORD    Q.
                                S_BLINN      @ HVRFORD    Sean Blinn
Loyola thr0ng                   MARY_B       @ LOYVAX     Mary Beth
                                PAMELA       @ LOYVAX     Mommydammit
                                SETH         @ LOYVAX     Seth
                                STASA        @ LOYVAX     Phoenix
Maine thr0ng                    BURNS        @ MAINE      Sabre
                                IO80034      @ MAINE      The Dragon
                                IO80222      @ MAINE      RainMaker
                                RFK350B      @ MAINE      Guardian Angel
Michigan Tech chapter           WJB          @ MTUS5      Sindex
North Dakota State U. chapter   UD140680     @ NDSUVM1    Nathan Irwin
Penn State chapter              WCF          @ PSUECL     Bill Fenner
Stony Brook thr0ng              CHOBBIE      @ SBCCVM     Admiral Lord Nelson
                                RRKHAN       @ SBCCVM     Romel
                                WALL         @ SBCCVM     Wall
Sweden chapter                  ICE          @ SEQZ51     Ice
Saunacuse thr0ng                EBLIVING     @ SUNRISE    Eric Livingstone (sp?)
                                JBANKERT     @ SUNRISE    CHAOS Engineer
                                RABEELER     @ SUNRISE    Beez
                                RETANTS      @ SUNRISE    Scamp
                                LIBLJR       @ SUVM       Niniane
Towson State U. chapter         S76NING      @ TOWSONVX   Paul
Trinity thr0ng                  FANTASYG     @ TRINCC     Trinity Fantasy Guild
                                OPER3        @ TRINCC     Razz
U of New Hampshire chapter      J_BUTMAN     @ UNHH       Oliver
Governor's School chapter       GSRHAMBY     @ UTKVX3     Cocker
Villanova thr0ng                054649739    @ VUVAXCOM   Satoru Ushiyama
                                188622462    @ VUVAXCOM   Kamikaze
                                193588131    @ VUVAXCOM   Wolverine
                                580074787    @ VUVAXCOM   Colin O'Connell
Wesleyan thr0ng                 AGOLDBERG    @ WESLEYAN   Damsel
                                JBLUESTEIN   @ WESLEYAN   WabeWalker
                                JVINCENT     @ WESLEYAN   Lord Rassilon
                                RSIMON       @ WESLEYAN   Roanic
Washington State U. thr0ng      24945863     @ WSUVM1     Bard
                                23480853     @ WSUVM1     Ishtar
Xavier chapter                  BRUGGMNJ     @ XAVIER     the WILD ONE!!

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